NOTE FROM FRANK EDWARDS TO SINACH Read Frank Edward's message to Sinach. @therealSINACH is a not a house hold name , she is a world class name the results are right before you! But the question is how did she get above the sky ???? Here goes my SINACH experience 🙏🏼 I met SINACH 14years ago when I joined the ministry As a young piano player , she became a big sister & a friend 'because' we were always together making music as she writes one new song everyday. I kid you not 🙌🏻 so automatically I found myself rehearsing everyday 😂. Working with her was not easy because she was musically ahead of me and I was finding it difficult to catch up 😩, sometimes in the middle of a rehearsal she would say "Frank I want the strings to go high at this point" then I will tell her that doesn't sound nice just because I couldn't do it 😂😂😂 .........but she will insist, then I had no choice but to learn it and do it , then I'll be like it sounds bea...
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