I want specially wish my Big Sis minister Ebiere Ekiye Ohochukwu a happy happy happy happy happy happy Birthday beloved Aunty, God will increase you above any house hold enemy, the devil will not and can never see your back, this my aunty can sing eeh, if you hear voice #Portharcourtsabithetin we really sabi the tin, not only that she is the C.E.O of Night with the King, and the president of house of Ephraim secretary of Fogmmon Rivers State chapter And many more, please portharcourt people celebrate your own, make una help celebrate her happy Birthday once again Big Sis. @Omojesumark love you Big Sis.
Adding fire the ongoing Russiagate scandal that has engulfed the Trump administration, a ‘Morning Joe’ political panel pointed to former national security adviser Mike Flynn as the nexus of the investigation, suggesting that the disgraced general has “incriminating information about the president.” https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=CU4j_L09KWbKhDOzJxgKC67uAAq_ZluxJ0Krx4cwFwI23ARABIOKS2CNgt7yDhfQwoAH79LmiA8gBCagDAcgDwwSqBNkBT9Aa3wmJeuscgywZrz1Fazfjh0tja0OhmksYYazmx52PdD1EK-UcsiIcbNEwHT6PnP6TaTxcPXKf3ExndL1Ali4YH_pW97eHqKvHzEtI4ZO5n1GGCtm9OHolXT78qoPNPF40KjhOyuWj6iAPmXjPqMRheDelgOddeGrlaC-QB_qPHQzlTp6AYwqq0-NyrmQytncoT5rfDjpRuctPlT_QwmkiEoGKSM4DHE36c3QlCVFnhsggCWDt7-ZUMbVskBKoqWotNiV4sDYDZ08NQJ058LuFHnp3JDulAKAGLoAH7YrGXagHpr4b2AcA0ggFCIABEAGxCdy_F4LF20yw2BMM&num=1&cid=CAASEuRoPd1yyYPTGg7gBo5DaNdzEw&sig=AOD64_21Y_Izbw81IuI0pWWeAs24sa198A&client=ca-pub-5711233193427660&adurl=http://mynewswire.co/news%3Fadprovider%3DAppFocus1%26source%3...
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